Monday, April 21, 2008

beartrail of tears: the sequel. or, "i'm fine in my tshirt, thanks"

for the past two, maybe three weeks or so, i've been fairly consistent in my running (or at least attempt at running) of the beartrail. i feel pretty decent about the progress i've been making...a few days ago i ran the entire thing two times. in a row. without stopping. upon my return home i curled into a ball on the carpet and was dead for about two and a half minutes, but i was so proud of myself. but self confidence doesn't last for long on the beartrail.

see, it doesn't matter what time of day or night i choose to run - i somehow manage to be running at the same time as the sorority girls. you know, those kappa-beta-gamma-theta-omega-iota-something-or-others who think it is socially acceptable to run wearing nothing but a sports bra and these shorts:

(available in a variety of colors at your local academy store for the low low price of $24.99 plus tax.)

1. who pays that much for a pair of running shorts? i'm still wearing my gym shorts from high school, thanks so much.
2. i want to ask these girls if they meant to leave the house without a shirt, or did they just forget? i would like to give them the benefit of the doubt - otherwise i have to believe that they are flaunting their large boobs and flat stomachs for the sole purpose of making me feel bad about myself. p.s. girls...its working.

so there i am, wearing my 2003 volleyball playoff shirt with the hole in the left armpit and some $6 soffe shorts from kohls and listening to some showtunes on my old school ipod mini. and there they are, with their bouncy blonde ponytails and their exposed but flab-free tummies and their thighs that don't touch when they run and their trendy ipod invisible or whatever. and we're running, and i'm thinking, maybe if i just had a pair of those shorts.

and then i'm thinking, screw this. this is something i'm doing for me. its not a popularity contest or a fashion show. its about me being healthy and trying to feel good about myself, which hasn't happened yet but i have to believe that someday it will. so those skinny bitches can kiss my fat ass because i'm fine in my tshirt and shorts from high school and i don't care who knows it.


DAN BUCK said...

You rock.

Oh and P.S. The reason you always find yourslef running at the same time as the sorority girls is because they are ALWAYS running.

Signs said...

5 miles non-stop? That's quite the accomplishment, Lindsay! I'm not sure if I can even do that, to be honest.

samm. said...

you make me smile, this blog is wonderful. you are so much better than those shorts. mean it. :)