Wednesday, October 24, 2007

taking advice from the dada drummer

a wise and well respected mentor encouraged me to write what i'm thinking without reducing it to witty one-liners. this is new territory for me. i usually find it easier to get my ideas across (or cover up the fact that i don't have any) by using a joke. but this mentor seems to think that there's more to my mind than that. i am somewhat unconvinced. but i'm willing to give it a try.

"it's the best possible time to be alive, when almost everything you thought you knew is wrong." -arcadia

this is exactly how i have been feeling all semester, but fortunatley tom stoppard was able to put it into words for me. i'm experiencing a change in opinion on so many things, including (but not limited to):
-art and its creation
-theatrical criticism
-living on my own
-reading multiple plays multiple times
-what others know about me vs. what i know about myself
-the need for sleep vs. life as a college student

change is scary. i'm trying to embrace it.

embracing change is even scarier than change itself.